大洋雅思地址:郑州东大学城学府广场A座902 郑州大学南校区华城国际中心705
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写 作
Nowadays, international tourism is the biggest industry in the world. Unfortunately, international tourism creates tension rather than understanding between people from different cultures. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Many people today prefer to socializing online to spending time with friends in local community. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
阅 读
Passage 1
Passage 2
Play tree对于儿童发展的影响
Passage 3
听 力
Section 1 Planning party
1. 80
2. Time: Friday 26 September
3. Room type: King
4. Cake: lemon
5. Congratulations
6. Table
7. Music: Jazz
8. Mastercard digital number: 54412 00** 8887
9. Name in card: middle name Sebastian
10. Extra fee for service
Section 2 乐器及聚会(新题暂无)
Section 3 A voluntary organization
21. What was the initial problem when the organization was founded: A didn’t have clear subject
22. What is the thing that the staff is not satisfied with: B how work be shared
23. What is the problem of the manager there: B he made so many decisions himself
24. What do they think about the new recruit of this organization: A surprisingly well
25. What achievement does the organization make: A children are involved to help
26. What problem has been solved: B administrator stops working
27. The tutor suggests her reading some books about management of changes
28. The tutor suggests to improve his organization through culture
29. And the role of leader
30. Name of an article: motivation of voluntary
Section 4 新西兰艺术家介绍
31. Painting
32. Plastic
33. Shells
34. Electronic
35. Photographs
36. Pencil
37. Movie
38. Travel
39. Humor
40. Loss
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